Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Today is just a normal day.... besides the fact that my neighbors are moving! I have been babysitting and being a mommies helper to them since fourth grade!! That's a long time! They are SO cute! Just think...two little red heads (gingers), a 4 year old girl, a 3 year old boy, huge personalities, super funny, crazy/hyper. S There names are Ginny and Charlie. I could go on and on about them, but I don't want to write to much. Anyways, yesterday was my last time with them. I went over around 3:45 and played with them till like 6:00. Then, I had dinner with them and we went for ice cream. After, the ice cream I went home and after my mom ate dinner we went over for our last goodbye before they leave. It was a sad day. I made them a movie maker movie and it had pictures of things that they like, and they gave me a present. The present was a picture of me and them in a frame. There was a white border around the picture and it said "Till we see you again". Then, at the bottom it said "Love Charlie and Ginny". Charlie wrote the "C" in his name and Ginny wrote her whole name and decorated the border with flowers. They also gave me a gift card. Their family is one of the best families I ever met! I will miss them SO much, but we already have plans to go see them! I just can't wait to see them again! :)

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